How to Help Someone Dealing with PTSD

This guide will go thoroughly into multiple strategies and insights, providing a deep understanding of how to support and comfort persons dealing with PTSD. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a very complex disease and its impact is very dangerous in the daily lifestyle of those who are affected by this disease. If a friend or a family member is suffering from PTSD illness, then it is very important to have someone to support them at that time so that they can come out of this trauma.

Understanding PTSD

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder develops as a result of exposure to a stressful event, such as combat, assault, or natural disaster. It frequently presents as symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, acute anxiety, and emotional numbness. To properly support someone with PTSD, it is critical to understand the complexities of the disorder.

Symptoms of PTSD

  • Having nightmares
  • Remembering old things
  • Having scary thoughts
  • Having trouble sleeping
  • Getting angry or irritable
  • Feel anxious
  • Running away from people

Causes of PTSD

PTSD symptoms appear in some people immediately after the accident, while in some people even after years. Due to these symptoms, the person is not able to concentrate on his work. Not being able to forget the memories of the incident even if one wants to, turning it into a negative one are its common symptoms. Other common symptoms of PTSD are –

  • Remembering that incident again and again, feeling angry.
  • While sleeping, one cannot sleep and has nightmares about extreme and painful events.
  • One should avoid even remembering that accident.
  • Prevent yourself from going to the accident site so that you do not remember the incident.

Learn About PTSD

There are many books and articles written about PTSD. And it is very important to know about it in depth so that we can know its symptoms better and in future we can tell someone else about it. The more informed you are, the better prepared you will be to offer sensitive and informative assistance.

Listen and Be Kind

The value of listening cannot be underscored. Allow your loved one or your family member who suffering from this trauma helps to express themselves without judgment while you actively listen to them. Being polite and patience allows them to share their stories while also building trust in your relationship.

Respect Their Space

Understanding and acknowledging their boundaries is critical. As much as possible, one should keep talking to the patient continuously so that he does not think about the trauma due to which he is suffering. The patient should get involved in new activities and keep himself busy. With this technique he will be able to reduce his stress and make himself feel happy. Allow them to set the pace of the conversation and provide information on their own terms.

Encourage professional help

Therapists and counsellors who specialize in trauma can offer patients effective coping skills, emotional regulation tools, and a supportive atmosphere in which to navigate their healing process.

Help with Everyday Things

Offering observable aid in regular tasks can be really beneficial. Whether it’s grocery shopping, food preparation, or domestic duties, these gestures alleviate some of your loved one’s everyday pressures, allowing them to focus on their health. Keep the workload on them as less as possible so that there is not too much pressure on their mind.

Be patient

Recovery from PTSD is a lengthy process. Patience is essential as your loved one experiences the ups and downs of their healing journey. Celebrate tiny accomplishments and tell them that you will be there for them at difficult times. And as much as possible, do not leave them alone, always be with them, this will prevent them from feeling lonely.

Learn Relaxation Tricks

Collaborate to discover and practice relaxing strategies. Deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, and engaging in activities that provide comfort and joy. These all can be effective stress and anxiety management techniques. Meditation is a very good technique to come out of stress and trauma, it takes time but this strategy works better than medicine and it also keeps our body healthy for a long time.

Stay Connected

Symptoms of PTSD affect a person more in loneliness due to which the person becomes more stressed, so at this time one should stay connected with people as much as possible. Time should be spent with family and friends can be beneficial for their mental well-being.

Support Them in Therapy

If they’re going to therapy, better is to go with them if they want. Your support can make it less scary, and they’ll know they’re not alone.


Dealing with PTSD patient is a very difficult task but if we follow all these techniques properly, we will get a lot of improvement. This process takes time but gradually the patient becomes better. And it requires a lot of good professional care. Each person’s journey to recovery is unique, so personalize your approach to their personal requirements and preferences. Together, we can create a loving and helpful community for those dealing with PTSD.

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