How To Detect and Remove Remote Access Trojan (RAT) Virus On Your Computer


A. Definition of Remote Access Trojan (RAT)

Remote Access Trojan is a virus that helps hackers use anyone’s computer without permission. Once this virus is installed in someone’s computer, the hackers can easily see what is happening in that computer in real time or they can also steal personal data from that computer. Not only this, they can also change the data of that computer no matter how far away they are from that computer.

B. Importance of Detecting and Removing RATs

It is very important to find the RAT virus because it can cause serious problems in our computers. Often our data is stored in our computer such as bank information, passwords, and private messages, and due to the presence of this RATs virus, hackers can easily access this information. Due to the RATs virus, your computer starts working slowly and not only this, your computer can also get completely damaged. Therefore, it is very important to find this virus quickly so that you can keep your computer data safe and your computer as well.

In this blog, we will read out, how to recognize that your computer might be infected by an RAT virus, how to check and confirm if an RAT is present, and how to remove it effectively. We will also share tips on how to protect your computer from getting infected with a RAT virus in the future.

Signs of a Remote Access Trojan Infection

A. Unusual System Behavior and Performance Issues

The first step to detecting a remote access trojan virus is to see if your computer is acting strangely like slow opening of files, file crashing or your mouse cursor is moving on its own. If you feel something like this, it means that someone else is also accessing your computer and looking at your information.

B. Unexpected Network Activity

There can be some other signs of a RAT virus by which you can detect that your computer has a Remote Access Trojan virus. Such as unusual network activity in your computer. You can detect it by feeling that your internet connection speed is low or your internet data usage is increasing even when you are not doing anything online. This can happen because the RAT virus sends your personal information to hackers through the internet.

C. Unfamiliar Programs or Processes Running

If while working on your computer you see that some programs which you have not run are still in processing, then this is also a sign of an RAT virus. These programs can be such that you have not installed them on your computer but still they are available on your computer and the names of those programs are also very strange which you have seen and heard for the first time. To check this, you can check the list of running programs on your computer, in which if you see some programs with strange names running, then you can stop them immediately. Due to this, the hackers who are trying to steal your data will stop immediately.

Detection Methods

A. Using Antivirus and Anti-Malware Software

The easiest and most effective way to detect RAT virus is to use a good antivirus or anti-malware software. This software will scan your computer completely and if there is any kind of virus in your computer, then it will also tell you the details that which file is virus-infected you will be given two options, either you can repair that file with the help of antivirus or if that file is not useful to you then you can get it deleted. This type of anti-malware software keeps scanning your device from time to time so that your personal information and computer remain safe for a long time.

B. Manual Inspection of Running Processes and Programs

Sometimes it may happen that some antivirus software may not be able to detect viruses because often hackers modify those viruses in such a way that they are not easily detected with the help of any tools. In such a situation, you can manually check the list of running tasks on your computer. For this you will have to open the task manager on your computer, after that there will be an option of processes in which you will see the complete list of which programs are in real-time processing on your computer. In such a situation, if you doubt any program, then you can click on it and stop the process so that the program will stop running at that time.

C. Checking Network Activity and Connections

There are other ways through which you can detect RAT viruses like monitoring network activity. For this, you can use tools like network monitors or firewalls which will tell you which devices are connected to your computer through the network. In that, you will see different IP addresses which will tell you that if any unknown IP address is connected to your device, then you can disconnect it. This can help you identify if a RAT is sending data from your computer to a hacker’s server.

Removing a Remote Access Trojan

A. Running a Full System Scan with Updated Antivirus Software

To remove the virus from the computer, first open the antivirus software in your computer and then run it on a full system scan. For this, it would be better that your antivirus software should be updated to the latest version so that it is easy to find new types of viruses. Full scan checks every file present in your computer thoroughly so that if any RAT virus file is detected anywhere or any other type of virus. That antivirus will help in removing that virus from your computer.

B. Using Specialized Malware Removal Tools

Along with antivirus software, you can also use other specialized malware tools like Malwarebytes, Spybot search and destroy, etc. All these tools are used to remove new and advanced viruses. All these tools have advanced detection and removal capabilities which are also useful to remove stubborn viruses.

C. Manual Removal Steps: Terminating Processes, Deleting Files, and Cleaning the Registry

If the RAT virus still exists in your computer even after using antivirus or malware software, then to remove it you will have to follow a process manually so that the virus is removed from your computer. As we just read, you will find unnecessary running files in the task manager, similarly, you can identify those running files and delete them, but in this, you will have to check the files very carefully so that you do not delete the file you need. Finally, clean the Windows Registry by removing any entries related to the RAT virus. Better is to use a reliable registry cleaner or carefully edit the registry using Regedit. and also, always take a backup of the registry before making changes to avoid damaging your system.

Preventing Future Infections

A. Keeping Software and Systems Up-to-Date

We should always keep our computers or mobile phones updated and the software in them as well because old bugs are fixed in them. Many times hackers take advantage of those bugs and easily steal the data of your computer and mobile phone. If you forget to update then in such a situation you should turn on the auto update feature in your devices so that whenever a new software update comes, your device will get updated automatically.

B. Practicing Safe Browsing and Downloading Habits

We should always be cautious while visiting any website on the internet and when we download any file from any website. We should never click on any link without checking it because it can be a suspicious link that is placed by hackers so that they can steal people’s data. As much as possible, we should download any file from a reputed or official website only because it is always user-friendly and safe. Along with this, we should also not click on suspicious links received in emails. Because it is a trick of hackers through which they can put viruses in your device.

C. Using Firewalls and Security Software to Monitor and Protect Your System

A firewall acts as a barrier between your computer and viruses that come easily from the internet. Always make sure that the firewall is on your computer. Because in today’s time, everyone uses the internet, so it is very important to enable the firewall. Along with this, you can also enable antivirus in your computer, which will provide more protection and the virus will not be able to enter your computer easily. These tools can monitor your system for suspicious activities and prevent unauthorized access.

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