How to Improve Upload Speed on PS5

Explanation of the importance of upload speed for gaming on PS5

Upload speed is very essential for gaming on the PS5 because it decides how rapidly your game information is sent to the web-based server. A quick transfer speed is significant for multiplayer games, video talks, and online games, to ensure that your actions are transmitted in real-time without delay.

Brief overview of common issues affecting upload speed

Several common issues can affect uploading speed including having a slow internet plan, utilizing a weak Wi-Fi connection, encountering impedance from other electronic gadgets, having outdated firmware, and network traffic because of such a large number of devices being connected with the same connection at the same time.

Today, in this blog we will investigate different strategies to improve upload speed on PS5. Also, we will explore different techniques to improve upload speed on your PS5, from optimizing network settings and Wi-Fi router performance to managing network traffic and using advanced tips, guaranteeing a smoother and more charming gaming experience.

Checking Your Internet Connection

A. Ensure you have a high-speed internet plan

First thing you have to make sure that you are subscribed to a high-speed internet plan that offers sufficient upload speeds. If still the problem exists then contact your internet service provider (ISP) to confirm the details of your internet plan and upgrade for more if necessary. Search for plans that give no less than 5 Mbps upload speed for a superior gaming experience.

B. Test your current upload speed using the PS5 settings

You can undoubtedly test your internet upload speed straightforwardly on your PS5. To check the upload speed on your PS5 follow these steps, Go to Settings > Network > Test Internet Connection. This test will show both your download and upload speeds. Perform this test 2-3 times to get accurate data on internet speed.

C. Compare your results with the speed promised by your internet provider

Analyze the upload speed results from your PS5 with the speed advertised by your ISP. In the unlikely event that there is a significant difference, you may need to get in touch with your ISP for assistance to solve this problem. If the speed matches the data plan you exactly bought, proceed to other steps to optimize your connection further.

Optimizing Network Settings on PS5

A. Use a wired Ethernet connection instead of Wi-Fi

If we compare it to a Wi-Fi connection, a wired Ethernet connection is typically faster and more reliable. Use an Ethernet connection to connect your PS5 directly to your router to improve your upload speed. As a result, there is low latency and a more reliable connection with games.

B. Set up a static IP address for your PS5

Giving your PS5 a static IP address can help to improve network strength and reduce connection problems. Follow these steps to set up a static IP address:

  1. Go to Settings > Network > Set Up Internet Connection.
  2. Select your connection (LAN if using Ethernet or Wi-Fi if wireless).
  3. When asked for IP address settings, select Custom first, followed by Manual.
  4. You can find a range of suitable IP addresses from your router’s settings or ISP documentation.

C. Change DNS settings to improve connection speed

Changing the DNS settings on your PS5 can sometimes improve your upload speed. To change the DNS settings:

  1. Go to Settings > Network > Set Up Internet Connection.
  2. Select your connection type.
  3. Select Custom for IP address settings, followed by Programmed, and Leave DHCP Host Name Unspecified.
  4. Select Manual for DNS Settings.
  5. Enter the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS. You can utilize public DNS servers like Google DNS ( and or Cloudflare DNS ( and
  6. After everything is set up, again test your internet connection once more to see if the upload speed has increased.

Improving Router and Modem Performance

A. Place your router closer to your PS5 for a better signal

Now, let’s talk about how to get a better signal on PS5, for a stronger and more stable Wi-Fi connection, place your Wi-Fi router near your PS5 as much as possible. Make sure there are not many obstacles between the router and PS5 (like walls and furniture). A clear line of sight helps maintain a better signal strength and reduces latency.

B. Restart your router and modem regularly

Restarting your router and modem can help you to refresh the internet connection and improve its performance. To do that, simply turn off the Wi-Fi router from the power source, wait for 30 seconds to 1 minute, and afterward plug it back in. This can fix minor connectivity issues and improve your upload speed.

C. Update your router’s firmware to the latest version

Maintaining up-to-date firmware allows it to function efficiently and handle the newest internet protocols. To update your router’s firmware, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your router’s web interface utilizing an internet browser (you can find the login address, username, and password on the back of the router or in its manual).
  2. Explore the firmware update section.
  3. Check for available updates and follow the guidelines to download and install them. Refreshing the firmware can fix bugs, also improve their performance, and upgrade security, all of which contribute to better upload speeds.

Managing Network Traffic

A. Limit the number of devices connected to your network

Your internet speed may be slowed down by having too many devices linked to your network. When playing a game, disconnect other devices that aren’t in use or don’t require an internet connection. This can help to increase the upload speed of your PS5 and free up bandwidth.

B. Avoid heavy internet usage on other devices while gaming

Your upload speed can be greatly impacted by downloading big files, streaming videos, and using video conferences on different devices. Make an effort to plan these things for when you’re not playing games. By doing this, you can make sure your PS5 is using all of its available bandwidth at maximum level.

C. Use Quality of Service (QoS) settings on your router to prioritize gaming traffic

Many routers have a function called Quality of Service (QoS) that lets you give some internet traffic a higher priority than others. So, now let’s see how to configure QoS on a PS5:

  1. Sign in to your router’s web interface.
  2. Find the QoS settings (this may vary depending on your router model).
  3. Include your PS5 in the list of gadgets that need to get high priority. It might be necessary to need your PS5’s MAC address, which is located in the PS5 network settings.
  4. Turn up your PS5’s priority setting to high to ensure that your gaming traffic takes priority over other kinds of traffic, QoS contributes to the preservation of a steady and quick upload speed.

Advanced Tips and Tricks

A. Consider upgrading your router to a gaming-specific model

As we all know in today’s time gaming routers are available in the market, which are specially designed for gaming. Gaming routers are designed in such a way that they can handle high-speed internet connections easily. Due to this, we do not experience any kind of latency while playing games. such as advanced QoS, faster processors, and better signal strength. If your current router is outdated, better is to invest in a gaming-specific router which can significantly improve your upload speed and overall gaming experience.

B. Use powerline adapters for a more stable connection

Powerline adapters utilize your home’s electrical wiring to send internet signals, and giving a more stable connection than Wi-Fi. To set up powerline adaptors, there are some steps to follow:

  1. Plug one connector into an electrical plug that is close to your router and connect it to the router with an Ethernet cable.
  2. Plug the second adaptor into an electrical plug close to your PS5 and connect it to the PS5 with an Ethernet cable. This arrangement can help to improve your PS5 uploading speed by giving a wired connection without requiring a long Ethernet cable going through your home.

C. Contact your internet service provider for additional support

If you have followed all the steps mentioned above but still you are getting slow uploading speeds. Now in such a situation, the last option is that you tell your Internet Service Provider (ISP) about this issue. So that he will be able to fix all the wiring through his electrical equipment or will tell you a new way so that you get better speed. Sometimes, upgrading your internet plan to one with higher upload speeds can be the most effective solution.


If you are streaming games on an online platform, then it is very important to have a good high-speed internet connection because when you stream online games, then at that time your internet consumes a high amount of data on 2-3 places, first the game and secondly the online platform on which you are streaming. In such a situation, if you stream online games with a low-speed connection, then you will feel lag, due to which whatever you are doing in real-time will be visible to your users after a while, due to which the overall experience gets spoiled. But all the steps that we have just discussed above in the article will help you a lot in fixing this issue. Even after doing all those steps, if you are still facing the same issue, then it would be better that you contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) so that they will give you a better solution. With these steps, you can enjoy a more reliable and fast internet connection for your PS5 gaming sessions.

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