Technology Addiction in Youth – Causes and Strategies


Technology addiction in youth is one of the major issues as we seen in our today’s generation. Nowadays the world is engaged in new research and is making more and more technology advanced because technology has become an important part of our life. From mobile phones to tablets, computers to gaming consoles, technology has created a new advanced landscape. Technology has many positive and negative effects. But it depends on the people how they use that thing. Mostly its negative side effects are found in young people because they waste more and more of their time on it. Due to which he has got trapped in its addiction. About which we will read today in this article.

Rise of the Digital Technology

Undoubtedly, innovation has improved our lives by connecting people all over the world and offering access to an endless pool of information. However, the increasing dependency on digital devices, especially among young people, creates worries. The ease of use of smartphones, as well as the attraction of social networking, online gaming, and real-time streaming services, combine to create an attractive online experience that may quickly become addictive.

Understanding Technology Addiction

Technology addiction is not just an attractive title;  it is a serious worry confirmed by scientific studies. The Regular utilization of technological devices might lead to behavioral habits such as addiction to drugs. Dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with happiness and satisfaction, plays an important role in this addiction. Dopamine is released when people interact with technology, particularly through social media or gaming, causing them to feel happy and supported.

Young people’s brains are still developing, thus the effects may be deeper. Excessive screen time can cause problems with the improvement of essential mental abilities such as focus, memory, and emotional regulation. The addicting nature of technology can also contribute to a lack of physical activity, resulting in serious medical problems such as weight gain and sleeplessness.

Social Media Problems

Social media platforms have turned into an essential component of youth culture. The desire for encouragement through shares, likes, and comments on social media can turn it into a virtual popularity battle. The constant use of social media can cause anxiety, low confidence, and even hopelessness in young people.

Furthermore, the curated nature of social media content often results in unrealistic meetings and expectations. Youth may find themselves continually comparing their lives to the allegedly perfect ones depicted online, which creates worries and encourages addiction as they demand approval through online interactions.

Gaming Addiction

The gaming industry has grown rapidly, offering players thrilling experiences that keep them deeply involved for hours. While gaming can provide real entertainment and even training, but it becomes problematic when it becomes a habit.

Youth experiencing difficulties in real life, such as academic stress or social challenges, might find comfort in the virtual world of gaming. This habitual routine can result in a disregard for responsibilities, stressed connections, and an unrealistic view of the real world. The difference between enjoyment and addiction becomes worse and worse, with effects that reach beyond the world of technology.

Screen Time and Sleep

The increasing amount of screens in our lives is having an impact on sleep, which is one of the most important aspects of health. The blue light emitted by screens can interfere with the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep and waking cycles. Excessive screen use, especially before bedtime, might contribute to sleeplessness and other sleep-related difficulties in the younger generation.

Lack of sleep has a significant impact on both mental and physical health. Also, can cause emotional fluctuations, poor brain function, and a weakened immune system. Resolving technology addiction isn’t just only limiting screen time, but also promoting improved sleep habits for overall health.

How to Tackle Technology Addiction

To avoid technology addiction, many people will have to come together like family, school, and society. And people who are worried about its addiction, they need to be told about its side effects so that they pay attention to this issue. And be able to end this addiction. Not only this, children’s who are affected by technology addiction should pay attention to them and Parents plays an important role to explain them that this addiction can harm their health.

Teachers should add digital wellness program in their education syllabus in the school so that they should get new activities done without technology in that program so that they can distance themselves from the technology and connect with the society. This one step can make a big difference.

New programs should be brought in the society so that people can have face to face interaction with each other because most of the people get so much involved in social media that later on they are not able to talk to people face to face and do not feel comfortable.


Technology addiction is a big topic among young people. For which more and more measures should be taken on this. It is true that many problems have been solved with the innovation of technology, but the addiction of the young generation has become very bad for it. We have seen many things happening with the help of technology like digital education, in medical sector. But due to technology, people have started moving away from each other and instead of spending time with their families, they use social apps to do so. This may also have a negative side effect because people meeting each other has become stopped. But if we all get together, we can handle this problem and tell people about it so that they become alert and pay some attention to this problem and can get out of this addiction.

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